Understanding American premium chocolate consumer perception of craft chocolate and desirable product attributes using focus groups and projective mapping

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, USA

Allison L. BrownID(1), Alyssa J. BakkeID(1,2), Helene HopferID(1,2)

(1) Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United States of America, (2) Sensory Evaluation Center, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Foi publicado no dia 04 de novembro de 2020, no site do Journal Plos One (https://journals.plos.org), a pesquisa “Understanding American premium chocolate consumer perception of craft chocolate and desirable product attributes using focus groups and projective mapping”, realizada pela Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, USA.

A pesquisa é uma interessante abordagem da percepção do consumidor americano sobre o chocolate bean-to-bar e outros tipos de chocolate.

Pesquisa no link abaixo:


